"Remainders", by Raúl Capdevila Murillo, produced by Acariño Films (Spain) is the winner of Companhia das Culturas/ Fundação Pereira Monteiro Award of the 4th edition of Arché in Porto/Post/Doc Film Festival.
The film follows José Ramón Capdevila, the last of three generations of farmers and ranchers in the village of Binéfar in Spain which, due to the construction of a huge industrial slaughterhouse, is experiencing its particular “gold rush”. Unexpectedly, José receives the news that his son Raúl is going to return home after not finding work in the city to which he emigrated. The project is currently finishing the shooting and entering the editing stage.
The Companhia das Culturas/ Fundação Pereira Monteiro Award consists in a two-weeks artistic residency in Companhia das Culturas, in Castro Marim, southern Portugal, in 2021. The jury was composed by Víctor Ribeiro, film programmer of Casa das Artes de Famalicão, Vanja Munjin Paiva, researcher, film critic and programmer at FICValdivia and Maria do Carmos Piçarra, professor at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa and researcher of ICNOVA.
Besides Raúl Capdevila and his producer Andrés Sanjuro (Acariño Films), Arché in Porto/Post/Doc also welcomed Pavel Tavares, Brazilian diretor living in Lisbon with his project "Diary of a Crime", currently in shooting and writing; Amanda Devulsky and her producer Pedro B. Garcia (Casadearroz, Brazil) with "Rough Red", in the editing stage; and Leandro Listorti and his producer Paula Zyngierman (Maravillacine, Argentina) with "Herbaria" co-produced with Welt Film (Germany), also between the last part of the shooting and beginning of the editing stage.
Arché in Porto/Post/Doc had its 4th edition online, from November 23rd and 28th. The four directors and their producers worked in the development of their films in the Project Development Workshop tutored by Diana Toucedo, Spanish director and editor, in a collective and collaborative way, finishing with an online presentation of the projects for film professionals on the 28th November.