
Cinema, music and workshops for families at Porto/Post/Doc

by Porto/Post/Doc / 22 10 2019

For the second year, Porto/Post/Doc organizes special movie sessions for families. Taking place on 23, 24 and 30 November at 2:30 p.m. at Rivoli Theater, the sessions are part of a program especially designed for children, adolescents and young people to promote visual literacy and foster debate and learning through the seventh art.Thus, for the youngest, the festival has scheduled two sessions – Mini M/4 and Mini M/6 – in partnership with the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, the largest European festival dedicated to the short format, as well as a session with works by one of today's most interesting filmmakers: Julia Ocker. "Animanimals" brings together a series of animated short films by the renowned German director, who has won several awards at the international festival circuit. In addition to the screening of the film, the festival promotes a workshop for initiation to animation techniques and character building guided by the filmmaker. Participation in the Animanimals workshop costs 7 euros (one adult and one child) and guarantees access to the namesake session. The Family Ticket, for movie screenings only, costs 5 euros (two adults and two children).

The family-oriented educational program also includes a special show to be held on November 24 in the Rivoli Grand Auditorium. "Family Scraps" brings to the stage a collaboration between the Matosinhos Family Orchestra and Tânia Dinis who, from the personal collections and family histories of the orchestra members and the artist herself, created a musical and visual presentation that runs through the memories. of all participants. Tickets for this session also cost 5 euros and give access to two adults and two children. Completing the program designed for the younger ones, two exhibitions will permanently occupy the foyer of the Rivoli Small Auditorium, and the workshop "Feet on the Earth" will be held, led by Myriam Szabo and Gabriela Gonçalves.

Alongside film programming, Porto/Post/Doc educational project carried out, throughout the year, sveral activities in schools in the metropolitan area of ​​Porto, in a programming effort that aims to strengthen ties with local school communities. Workshops of illustration, film and animation cinema led by guests such as Joana Estrela, Pedro Serrazina and Luís Martinho Urbano or David Doutel, were part of this program. 

Throughout the week of the festival Rivoli's auditoriums will also host thousands of students in school sessions designed specifically for the various age groups (Mini and Teenage), in a joint promotion action between the festival, Porto City Council and educational institutions. Of region. Registration for the Porto/Post/Doc school program is now open and can be completed here: Mini and Teenage.

Porto/Post/Doc will also have a Teenage Jury, composed of about 9 students from different high schools in the city, who will be responsible for awarding one of the festival's prizes. Under the tutelage of a Portuguese director, students will watch, during the week of the festival, six films of the general program and will then decide on a winner.

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