
Family biographies with Carmen Gray

by Porto/Post/Dc / 13 11 2018

Film critic and journalist Carmen Gray is the guest of this edition of Porto/Post/Doc to present a carte blanche during the festival. Gray draws from the drawer two feature films from peripheral cinematographies - Georgia and Austria - that mainly reflect on family histories and the connection with the territories.

On one hand, Pirosmani (1969) tries to recover the history of Georgian painter Pirosmani himself, by the look of the director, also Georgian, Giorgi Shengelaia. On the other hand, in What I Remember, Antoinette Zwirchmayr draws the story of her Austrian family in three chapters and around the ambiguous figures of her father, bank robber, and grandfather, owner of a brothel.

For Carmen Gray, "building a life story is to mythify and reduce the complexity of the facts in a refuge." The journalist will be at the festival to present both sessions that will take place at Cinema Trindade at 5pm on 29 and 30 November, respectively.

Porto/Post/Doc takes place between November 24 and December 2 at Teatro Municipal do Porto - Rivoli, Cinema Passos Manuel, Cinema Trindade, Planetário do Porto - Centro Ciência Viva, Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto and Escola das Artes – UCP.

The 2018 edition of Porto/Post/Doc has the support of Câmara Municipal do Porto, ICA - Instituto do Cinema e Audiovisual – Ministério da Cultura, CVRVV - Vinho Verde, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Acción Cultural Española - AC/E, da Cinemateca Portuguesa - Museu do Cinema and ArtWorks.

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