
Swiss Focus in Porto/Post/Doc 2017

by Porto/Post/Doc / 12 11 2017

This year, Porto/Post/Doc has partnered with Swiss Films, including films in different sections and the Peter Mettler Expanded special programme. This partnership is also supported by Pro Helvetia, a Swiss institution that supports cross-cutting areas.

The Peter Mettler Expanded programme includes three films by Peter Mettler (three of his most important works: Picture of Light, The End of Time and Gambling, Gods and LSD) as well as an audiovisual performance - Yoshtoyoshto - which will be shared with Franz Treichler (lead singer of The Young Gods) and anthropologist Jeremy Narby. The performance will take place at Passos Manuel, at 22:00 on December 2, with the presence of the three artists.

Also in this programme of Swiss Films, it's included the film Supersonic Airglow, which documents the tour 'More to come (for additional confusion)', the cross between one of the most influential industrial rock bands, The Young Gods, and the trio Koch-Schutz-Studer.

Finally, Switzerland is also represented in the International Competition, with the film Wild Plants, by Nicolas Humbert.

(in the photo: Franz Treichler, Jeremy Narby and Peter Mettler - © Mehdi Benkler)

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