In March, Há Filmes na Baixa! screens its second film series in 2017. This cycle screens two very recent documentaries of Portuguese production: A Room in the House, by Catarina Alves Costa, and How I fell in love with Eva Ras, by André Gil Mata. The two films are intimate portraits of two very different cultural realities: the interior of Algarve and an old cinema in Sarajevo. This panorama cycle will have new editions throughout 2017, trying to show the new Portuguese documentaries, as it was done in the first cycle of the year.
A Room in the House is the latest documentary by Catarina Alves Costa, one of the most reputed documentarists of recent years. In her ethnographic work, the director enters the rural houses in the interior of Algarve, trying to preserve the memories of its inhabitants. In the intimacy of these houses, one can see the small details of the decoration and craftsmanship of these people. A "home" movie about the little things that make up the identity of a people. How I fell in love with Eva Ras starts with the presence of André Gil Mata in Sarajevo, the place he chose to attend Béla Tarr's famous film.factory school. In this film, Mata watches the day-to-day life of a woman, Sena, in the projection booth of an old cinema. This cabin is also her home, the place of her intimacy. At the same time we see her gestures, we also look at the projected films: old Yugoslav films filled with a passionate youth.
In 2017, we will continue to propose cinema cycles, at the monthly rate, providing hypotheses for the discovery of less known cinematographies or films that deserve new visibility. These cycles, which will have a thematic coherence, will extend the activity of Porto/Post/Doc, the festival that takes place at the end of November.
Cycle #02.2017 “Portuguese Panorama”
Cinema Passos Manuel, 22:00
14.03 – A Room in the House, by Catarina Alves Costa
15.03 – How I Fell in Love With Eva Ras, de André Gil Mata