
Eco-Processing com a Casa do Xisto

Eco-Processing com a Casa do Xisto · Eco-Processing with Casa do Xisto

2023, PRT, 60', M12

LAButa 2023

23 Nov 2023 · Batalha Centro de Cinema - Bar High Life · 14H00

After the screening of a best-off of the films produced so far in the five editions of the 16mm Immersive Laboratory at Casa do Xisto, various non-toxic film development processes will be discussed with the presence of Catarina de Sousa, founder of the lab, and Ricardo Leite, experienced director in film processing. Casa do Xisto is a laboratory of free expression that crosses artistic languages, prioritising the preservation of cinematographic arts. With environmental considerations and approaches to working with experimental cinema, it explores developments with non-toxic photochemical processes, in a sustainable filmmaking practice. This project holds annual workshops led by Steve Cossman (Mono no Aware, NY), Ricardo Leite and local and foreign guests.