
Painel #02: Comunidade

Painel #02: Comunidade · Panel #02: Community

2021, PT, UK, 90'

Fórum do Real 2021

24 Nov 2021 · Casa Comum - Reitoria UP · 18H00

Moderated: Abel Coentrão, journalist
With: Laura Sobral, José Carlos Mota and Rob Hopkins

Community life is one of the oldest expressions of the sociability that characterizes the human species. Over thousands of years, in caves, or in cities, we have developed bonds of affection that have supported our personal and collective development, expressed in other words such as friendship, neighbourhood, citizenship. We could discuss to what extent the loosening of these ties has brought about the crisis of civilisation we now find ourselves, but instead, it is perhaps more important to look to the future, and discuss to what extent we can use such an "archaic" tool as the 'Community', to face the challenges that lie ahead. This is what we will try to do in this session of the Forúm do Real, with Rob Hopkins, co-founder of the Movement for Transition and author of, among other works, From What is to What If - unleashing the power of imagination to create the future We want - and Laura Sobral, urban planner, founder of the Instituto A Cidade Precisa de Você and author of the book Fazer Juntos, or Doing it Together - cooperation tools for city co-governance, and José Carlos Mota, professor at Aveiro University, researcher and facilitator for participated projects, as well as coordinator for the first Portuguese civic lab, Lab Santiago, in Aveiro.