
As Filhas do Fogo

As Filhas do Fogo · As Filhas do Fogo

Pedro Costa, Músicos do Tejo

2021, PT, 60', M12

Special Screenings 2021

30 Nov 2021 · Coliseu Porto Ageas · 21H30


As Filhas do Fogo is an interdisciplinary show conceived by director Pedro Costa in collaboration with the baroque music group Os Músicos do Tejo. At the intersection of cinema, theatre and music,  As Filhas do Fogo follows the escape of three young sisters from a devastating volcano eruption in Cape Verde to their arrival at a European port. It is here, that they wander, hand in hand, conjuring up their fears through music and song. Not a soul receives them. The show covers their days and nights, the misery, the darkness of the alleys and the invisible life of so many migrants.