Ernst lives inside a postcard in a shop window where many other cards await a buyer. Only nobody’s interested in him. His discontent motivates him to embark on an adventure outside the limits of that world through multiple animation techniques, which double as a journey through the history of this form of expression.
Playing with:
Two Baloons
Mark C. Smith
2017, US, 7', M4
Kariem Saleh
2015, DE, 4', M4
Na Colina
Léo Guillet, Sacha Marcelin
2020, FR, 5', M4
Julia Ocker
2018, DE, 4', M4
O sonho de Sam
Nolwenn Roberts
2018, FR, 7', M4
L'Homme aux oiseaux
Quentin Marcault
2017, FR, 4', M4