In the middle of a luxurious garden, a teeny-weeny fox meets a daring little girl who grows giant plants! By lucky coincidence, they realize that they can grow objects too; the clever little devils will think up all sorts of things to do...
Two Trams
Svetlana Andrianova
2016, Russia, 10’
The Lion and The Ape
Benoit Feroumont
2017, Belgium, 7’
Natalie Chernysheva
2012, Russia, 6’
Joost Lieuwma, Daan Velsink
2015, Netherlands, 6’
The Bird and The Whale
Carol Freeman
2018, Ireland, 7’
Hors piste
Léo Brunel, Loris Cavalier, Camille Jalabert, Oscar Malet
2018, France, 6’
Vivat Musketeers!
Anton Dyakov
2018, Russia, 6’