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Deeply Absorbed In Silent Conversation · Deeply Absorbed In Silent Conversation

Ute Aurand

1980, DE, 10', M12

Ute Aurand Focus 2019

25 Nov 2019 · TM Rivoli, Pequeno Auditório · 21H00

«"Deeply Absorbed In Silent Conversation" was my first 16mm film and it has something of what first films often have – owing to a certain, sometimes involuntary, audacity, generally ignorant of cinematic rules, driven purely by the need to make this film» (Ute Aurand).

Oh! The Four Seasons
Ute Aurand, Ulrike Pfeiffer 
1988, Germany, 20’ 
At Home
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1998, Germany, 3’ 
A Walk 
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2009, Germany, 5’ 
Im Park 
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2009, Germany, 6’ 
Ute Aurand 
2009, Germany, 2’ 
Hanging Upside Down In The Branches 
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2009, Germany, 15’