A performance exploring the legitimacy of decapitation in contemporary England: the ‘anti-record label (anti-everything)’, purge.xxx, is proud to launch its debut vinyl album by Chris Petit & Mordant Music, In What's Missing, Is Where Love Has Gone. The performance and the record both take as their departure point a frame rendered accidentally from Nicolas Roeg’s The Man Who Fell To Earth. 'The man with perfect hair turning his back on the world'. Drums, telephone, guillotine, girl.
Petit's survey at Porto/Post/Doc launches the first vinyl LP by purge.xxx (also known as PURGE PORTO), a post-family run anti-record label founded by Schtinter. Released in an edition of 250 numbered copies, In What's Missing, Is Where Love Has Gone, by Chris Petit & Mordant Music, is available exclusively at the festival.
For more information: www.purge.xxx