
Valentina Magaletti & João Pais Filipe

Valentina Magaletti & João Pais Filipe · Valentina Magaletti & João Pais Filipe

2018, PT, 90', M12

Transmission 2018 / Transmission Concerts 2018

30 Nov 2018 · Rivoli Understage · 23H30

Buy your ticket for 30/11 (23:30) at Bilheteira Online.

This is a love story. In December 2017, when she visited Porto withTomaga (also in Porto/Post/Doc), Valentina Magaletti met the gongos of João Pais Filipe. From then until they arranged a new meeting, it was imediat. In February, Valentina Magaletti visited the workshop of the musician and sonorous sculptor from Porto and 48 hours later they had an album made by four hands. A disc that is a collection of two sound pieces composed of drums and different percussions, using a myriad of materials and instruments.