
Painel #3: Rever António Reis e Margarida Cordeiro

Painel #3: Rever António Reis e Margarida Cordeiro · Panel #3: Reviewing António Reis and Margarida Cordeiro

2018, PRT, 90'

Forum of the Real 2018 / Industry 2018

30 Nov 2018 · TM Rivoli, Pequeno Auditório · 18H30

The approach to the real can be made from a hybrid between the records of fiction and documentary, madness and sanity, history and mythology, ethnology and poetry, complemented by the construction of new realities. The cinema of António Reis and Margarida Cordeiro was pioneering and unique in this agglutinative opening and made history. This panel intends not only to think of the unique cinematography of the duo as honoring, through affective territory, the one who was their master. In short, conversations and testimonies in the first person about Reis / Cordeiro.

João Pedro Rodrigues
One of the most important directors of contemporary Portuguese cinema. From O Fantasma (2000) to The Ornithologist (2016), his work has sought to highlight marginal characters, debating gender issues.

Manuel Mozos
Director and archivist (in the National Archive of Moving Images), Manuel Mozos has explored both fiction (Ramiro, 2017) and the documentary (Ruínas, 2009).

Marta Mateus
She studied philosophy at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and drawing and photography at Ar.Co. She worked as an actress and an assistant. Farpões Baldios, her first film, obtained an appreciable international circulation.

Regina Guimarães
Poetess, filmmaker, playwright, lyricist and university professor. Her artistic activity is multiple and transversal, from the popular music, through theater and cinema.

Chair: Alexandra João Martins