Buy your ticket for 27/11 (16:00) at Bilheteira Online.
In Tremor, Annik Leroy builds a simultaneously brutal and sensitive portrait of modern times. In this documentary-poem, the Belgian filmmaker and photographer brings together a fragmented set of seemingly simple and personal images: a volcano, a tree, a landscape, a journey, a city. Images that are sometimes seen inside out, sometimes become diffused, in a mirror of a society in which "there is always war". Leroy uses excerpts from comments by Pasolini, Moravia, Bachmann and Freud, but also anonymous, about the state of the world, about violence and power, and, through the sound, gives the film a political dimension. Voices from another time that occupy these places and these images, in a register that approaches the fiction. An essential reflection on life, individual and collective. (Alexandra João Martins)