

Fausto · Faust

Andrea Bussmann

2018, MEX, CAN, 70', M12

International Competition 2018

26 Nov 2018 · Cinema Trindade · 17H00

28 Nov 2018 · TM Rivoli, Grande Auditório · 16H00

Buy your ticket for 28/11 (16:00) at Bilheteira Online.

"You are attracted by the lights of that house on the hill, you go there and you do not know if you are awake or dreaming, but you get there and you can buy everything you find. But there is a sorcery that you only discover when you leave the house, or wake up from the dream, that you are forever trapped in it." This is one of Fausto's stories, in the voice of a simple woman who seems to disappear as she appears on the screen. The Canadian director brings us the history(s) of Oaxaca in a quasi-anthropological approach and more than that, crosses the grounds of the pure documentary when it touches the highest fiction that resides in the unconfessed declarations of the mouths of wise men who smoke and of the night creatures that carry secrets in the voice. (Luís Lima)