
Central Airport

Aeroporto Central · Central Airport

Karim Aïnouz

2018, DEU, FRA, BRA, 97', M12

International Competition 2018

27 Nov 2018 · Cinema Trindade · 21H45

29 Nov 2018 · TM Rivoli, Grande Auditório · 18H00

Buy your ticket for 29/11 (18:00) at Bilheteira Online.

Tempelhof Airport was the subject of the megalomaniac impulses of the Nazi regime, which in the 1930s tried to make it one of the most important airports in the world. But the war, the postwar political balances, and the changes in civil aviation pushed Tempelhof away from this fate. So far was it from the promised glory that, in 2008, the German government decided to close it down and turn it into one of Berlin's leisure parks. In recent years, in a new adaptation to the story, Tempelhof has also served as a shelter for refugees. Central Airport follows the life of Ibrahim, a young Syrian man waiting for permission to remain in Germany. Between arrivals and departures, Aïnouz films, with equal interest, the people and the spaces, treating the architecture of the place like a real character. (Daniel Marques Pinto)