
Voyage of Time: Life's Journey

A Viagem do Tempo: A Jornada da Vida · Voyage of Time: Life's Journey

Terrence Malick

2016, DEU, USA, FRA, 90', M12

Highlights 2017 / School Trip Teenage 2017

28 Nov 2017 · TM Rivoli, Grande Auditório · 21H30

Buy your ticket for 28/11 (21:30) at Bilheteira Online.

Between the experimental and the contemplative, Terrence Malick rehearses a metaphysical journey, searching for the essence of things, leaving in the air the question: is Humanity dealing with Planet Earth, Mother Nature? After 20 years of interregnum, between 1978 - Days of Paradise - and 1998 - The Thin Blue Line - the director returned even more creative and surprising. Following the footsteps rehearsed in The Tree of Life (2011), Malick proposes an orgy of images of nature, but also of a non-civilization, presented by the mesmerizing voice of Cate Blanchett. (César Nóbrega)