
Memoirs: Debate e Lançamento

Memoirs: Debate e Lançamento · Memoirs: Debate e Book Launch

2016, PRT,

Forum of the Real 2016 / Memoirs 2016 / Other Events 2016

27 Nov 2016 · TM Rivoli, Café-Concerto · 18H00

Free entry.

Website + Book: Margarida Calafate Ribeiro e António Sousa Ribeiro 
Debate with Jorge Andrade, Ana Delgado Martins, moderated by António Pinto Ribeiro

Geometrias da Memória: configurações pós-coloniais, organized by António Sousa Ribeiro and Margarida Calafate Ribeiro launches a reflection on the set of exposed issues, addressing relevant themes for an analysis of how the constellations of the past, especially the colonial past, project and condition the present: in the way of conceiving the relation with the other, in the architecture of power relations, in the persistence of forms of violence, in the dynamics through which the political and cultural field tries to construct a reflection towards the construction of a future that is not a repetition of the past. For the most part, the work integrates a set of reflections around the project Memoirs: Filhos de Império e pós-memórias europeias from the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra and funding from the European Research Council, which questions contemporary European time, from different historical contexts and from different countries - France, Belgium and Portugal. The cases analyzed were chosen based on their relevance to a present conceived, not as simple actuality, but as a dense time crossed by tensions that are only comprehensible from the point of view of the long historical duration, as is the colonial question: the Belgian Congo is at the heart of the Belgian colonial imagination and today Belgium is a country with a dense population that originates in the colonial transits; the war of Algeria and its independence were the political events of greater significance in the French history after World War II; in the case of Portugal, the "Ultramar", the colonial war and the independence of the African colonies are essential to understand the second half of the twentieth century, namely the end of dictatorship and the process of democratization and identity reconfiguration of the country.