

Ferrugem · Rust

Eloy Domínguez Serén

2016, SWE, ESP, 14', M12

Cinefiesta 2016

03 Dec 2016 · TM Rivoli, Pequeno Auditório · 21H30

Buy your ticket at Bilheteira Online.

In the first minutes, Rust extends the taste of Serén for the desert and the wintery landscapes of No Cow On The Ice, however, it then diverts to an interior space, in this case, an old abandoned industrial building. There is something of mythical on that path, which is done from the outside (the present) to the inside (the past) – path that in other circumstances, was the one that Serén himself did as an immigrant, in No Cow On The Ice – from light to darkness, a kind of inverted “Plato’s cave”, as if in the dark there was an explanation for the mistery of things. It’s in the ruins and especially in the rust – being the last one the name of the film – that the filmmaker and his solitary character are interested, a path apparently in need of a defined logic, that is done around a methodical gathering of that unifying sap (the rust) of present and past, with one objective that will remain shadowed, a mystery reinforced by the outstanding light and sound. (Francisco Noronha)

This film is screened with:

Eloy Dominguez Serén
2015, SWE, ESP, 63'