
El Cerco

O Cerco · The Encirclement

Nacho Martín, Ricardo Íscar

2005, ESP, 12', M12

Carte Blanche Mecal IFF 2016 / Cinefiesta 2016

30 Nov 2016 · Maus Hábitos · 22H00

Porto/Post/Doc session in partnership with Shortcutz Porto. This film belongs to Mecal's Carte Blanche. Free entrance.

Every year thousands of tuna fish swim into the Mediterranean. The hand of man lies in wait, in a ritual of blood and death: three hundred tuna trapped in an encirclement of nets. Terrified, they thrash their tails, until the circle becomes a huge curtain of water. Images of nature unrestrained.

This film is screened with the following films:

Juan Millares, 2014, Espanha, 21’ 

Raul De La Fuente, 2013, Espanha, 27’ 

El Cerco 
Nacho Martín, Ricardo Íscar, 2005, Espanha, 12’ 

Chatarras Palace 
Vice Media, 2013, Espanha, 10’