

Reportagem · Reportage

Nicolás Guillén Landrián

1966, CUB, 9’, M12

Carte Blanche Play-Doc IFF 2016 / Cinefiesta 2016

29 Nov 2016 · Maus Hábitos · 22H00

Porto/Post/Doc session in partnership with Shortcutz Porto. This film belongs to Play-Doc's Carte Blanche. Free entrance. 

There is a political meeting of peasants against ignorance. Ignorance is represented as a rag-doll. During the speeches, peasants seem not to understand. They prefer to dance.

This film will be screened with the following films: 

En un bairro viejo
Nicolás Guillén Landrián, 1966, CUB, 16'
Los del baile
Nicolás Guillén Landrian, 1965, CUB, 6'
Ociel del Toa,
Nicolás Guillén Landrián 1965, CUB, 16'
Retornar a Baracoa
Nicolás Guillén Landrián 1966, CUB,16'
Nicolás Guillén Landrián 1966, CUB, 9'
Coffea Arábiga
Nicolás Guillén Landrián 1968, CUB, 18'