
Los del baile

Os do Baile · Dancers

Nicolás Guillén Landrián

1965, CUB, 6', M12

Carte Blanche Play-Doc IFF 2016 / Cinefiesta 2016

29 Nov 2016 · Maus Hábitos · 22H00

The screening is in partnership with Shortcutz Porto. This film belongs to Play-Doc's Carte Blanche. Free entrance.

People dance during a performance of Pello el Afrokán’s Orchestra. The film was censored at the beginning of the revolution, for showing an undesired image of Havana’s nightlife, when films were supposed to encourage revolutionary heroism.

This film will be screened with the following films:

En un bairro viejo
Nicolás Guillén Landrián, 1966, CUB, 16'
Los del baile 
Nicolás Guillén Landrian, 1965, CUB, 6'
Ociel del Toa, 
Nicolás Guillén Landrián 1965, CUB, 16'
Retornar a Baracoa
Nicolás Guillén Landrián 1966, CUB,16'
Nicolás Guillén Landrián 1966, CUB, 9'
Coffea Arábiga
Nicolás Guillén Landrián 1968, CUB, 18'