
Mesa 3 – Galiza e Portugal: um imaginário comum

Mesa 3 – Galiza e Portugal: um imaginário comum · Panel 3 – Galicia and Portugal: a common imaginary

2015, PRT, 120'

Forum of the Real 2015

04 Dec 2015 · TM Rivoli, Café-Concerto · 17H00

The border relations between Galicia and northern Portugal are a present reality. Its results have been seen in recent years. The debate will provide a history of this relationship, but also an idea of what it is possible to do. The diversified nature of the panel allows a multiple look on this reality and the conditions that it provides to Portuguese cinema and the Galician cinema.

Beli Martinez
Nuno Rodrigues
Manolo González
Lois Patiño
Chair: Martin Pawley