
The Wolfpack

A Matilha · The Wolfpack

Crystal Moselle

2015, USA, 90', M6

/ Teenage 2015

01 Dec 2015 · TM Rivoli, Grande Auditório · 22H00


New York can be a lonely and scary place. Millions of closed windows hide so many families. But surely no family like this one: "The Wolfpack" shows us the Angulo brothers, who live trapped in their apartment in Manhattan as a secret tribe. This isolation, forced by their father, is a way to defend them from the evils of the modern world and the dangers of the big city. All they know from the outside comes from the films they see and passionately recreate. Cinema is their only window to reality; they become the characters of the films, they create the props and rewrite the scripts. But their imagination turns out to exceed mere curiosity and cinema is no longer enough to keep them in exile. André Puertas Oliveira