

Toponímia · Toponymy

Jonathan Perel

2015, ARG, 82', M12

Competition 2015

02 Dec 2015 · TM Rivoli, Pequeno Auditório · 15H00

05 Dec 2015 · Passos Manuel · 19H00


In a rigorous and austere style, Jonathan Perel shows us the actual look of a group of small cities in the Tucumán region, in Argentina. These towns are constructions with history marks: they were built to contain and terminate the guerrilla that was hiding in that region. The director shows the contrast between archives – official documents, maps and pictures that in this context are elements of utopia – and the present reality, where these cities are just places inhabited by the daily routines, where time almost erased the future that was imagined for them. Slowly, the film becomes more and more observational, beholding the houses, but also the statues, the phrases written on the walls and public buildings. In spite of it all, life goes on. (Daniel Ribas)