
Las Letras

As Cartas · The Letters

Pablo Chavarría Gutiérrez

2015, MEX, 75', M12

Competition 2015

01 Dec 2015 · Passos Manuel · 19H00

04 Dec 2015 · TM Rivoli, Pequeno Auditório · 15H00


On June 12th, 2000, in the Simojovel municipality, an armed group ambushed a group of Chiapas’ policemen on the road. Seven were killed. Alberto Patishtán Gómez, Mexican professor and indigenous activist, was convicted of the crime and sentenced to 60 years in prison. The letters he wrote to his sister from prison are a fierce indictment of a corrupt Mexican system, and it is from them that Pablo Chavarría Gutiérrez reconstructs the prisoner's memories in an almost sensory way, breaking the rules of the classic documentary. (Sérgio Gomes)