
  • Industry

Co-Production Meetings

26-27 Nov

With the main objective of supporting national production and increasing international partnerships, Porto/Post/Doc organises Co-Production Meetings between Portugal, Spain and France, to promote the development of new projects and foster opportunities for co-production between the three countries.

Considering the co-production agreements that already exist between these countries and the fact that European funds are increasingly promoting the co-production of projects, Porto/Post/Doc aims to attract both emergent and more established producers from these neighboring countries in order to increase partnerships and networks.

Each year, up to 12 projects of all genres are selected and presented to industry members, with access to an agenda of individual meetings according to the needs of each project. In addition, masterclasses and informal networking moments take place over the two days.

The presentation of these projects will take place on November 25th and 26th, at 10 am, at the Teatro Municipal Rivoli (Pequeno Auditório) and is open to everyone with an Industry accreditation.

This activity is organized with the support of the Institut Français/MAISFrança and Agadic - Axencia Galega das Industrias Culturais, in collaboration with the Creative Europe Information Centre - MEDIA Desk Portugal and AICEP - Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal, in partnership with ECAM - Escuela de la Cinematografia de la Comunidad de Madrid, Basque Audivisual and Abycine.


Sérgio Gomes | Executive Director & Head of Industry

Liliana S. Lasprilla | Industry Coordinator